The Benefits of Spending Time Alone With no Distractions

With all that has been going on in my life, I haven't given myself a single second to stop for a moment without any distractions or background noise. When I do find time for myself, I end up engaging in things like binge-watching TV or mindlessly scrolling on social media.

Yesterday, my therapist suggested that after we ended our zoom session, I should sit with myself for a few minutes. So I did. For the first time in over a month, I sat alone with no noise or distractions around me.

As soon as I took my first breath, I broke down crying. I wasn't sad; I wasn't angry. I just desperately needed a moment to sit in solitude, ground myself in the present moment, and breathe. It gave me the peace and quiet I didn't even realize I was craving and needing.

This cry was so soothing and cathartic for me. It was like there was so much stress and discomfort inside me that I didn't even know was there in the first place, and now it was finally released.
I just assumed that I was constantly prioritizing time for myself by doing things I enjoy, like watching television and listening to podcasts. But not necessarily. Surrounding myself with constant external stimulation has subconsciously become my way of avoiding getting in touch with my inner self.

The biggest thing I've learned from this experience is the difference between spending time alone versus spending time alone in silence with no distractions. Yes, things like watching TV can be a treat, but it is not as grounding and emotionally beneficial as spending time in silence sans phone, tablet, laptop, and TV.

I also forgot that it’s okay to cry. It can actually be extremely beneficial to me. I used to hold back my tears when I felt the need to cry, but the truth is, tears are a normal, healthy way to express emotion and release stress.

Anyway… I am hoping that mercury leaving retrograde will put this past month's pandemonium to an end ✨🧘‍♀️ Here's to a fresh reset ❤️


Rethinking the Spectrum of Mental Health & Making Room for the Grey


Calories come and go, but memories last forever